Synodal Discussion

Parish Synod Consultation

Each parish has been asked by Bishop Barres to conduct a Synodal Discussion. The goal of this is to foster three things:

1) COMMUNION: Conversations leading to conversion to Christ and commitment to active participation in the mission given by Christ

2) PATICIPATION: The people of God talk with one another and listen to one another about questions that matter

3) MISSION: The communion exists for a common purpose; mission flows naturally from the experience of communion.

While an in-person session is planned to be held, this online questionnaire is meant to give as many people as possible the ability to submit ideas, questions, comments, and concerns about the life of the Universal and local Church, about what She does and believes and how She and Her members are called to live out Christian discipleship.

The first few questions are required so we can collect basic demographic information. All others you may choose to answer as you like. Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts!


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